At Illume Consulting, we know how to deliver complex technology products, including AI, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, SaaS, Gaming, and Education products.  Our experience includes delivering machine learning products to market, delivering quantum computing hardware and software products, mentoring Product Owners and Product Managers, and advising executives on delivering first-of-their-kind products to market in SaaS, education, and gaming.

We know how to get results, even in the most complex projects.  We are experts in delivering technology products that have never been done before, and we help you make sure your products are successful.

What We Do:

  • Deliver technology projects that are the first of their kind
  • Build innovative software products and games
  • Build and mentor product teams
  • Incite innovation and productivity

What You Get:

  • Delivery of innovative technology projects
  • Expert advice and mentoring
  • New processes/technologies
  • A culture of innovation

Our experts help you deliver technology products that are the first of their kind, in AI, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, SaaS, Gaming, and Education.

What To Expect

Successful technology projects require experienced project leaders who know how to get results.  Our project leaders know how to deliver complex technology projects in a variety of roles:

  • Product Manager or Product Owner:  Complex technology projects require a leader who understands technology and knows how to lead teams.  Our product leaders have led technology projects up to $25M for AI, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, SaaS, Gaming, and Education.  We work with your team to build an aggressive and achievable plan, and we work hands-on throughout all phases of the project to ensure successful delivery.
  • Advisor or Mentor:  We provide expert advisory services to help senior leaders ensure that your most complex technology products are delivered successfully.  We work with your leaders to review plans and provide expert advice on how to get things done.  We work closely with you to identify the critical requirements and business goals, and then we make sure that your product are successfully delivered.
  • Facilitator:  Our senior leaders work with your team to facilitate workshops to build your strategy, product plan, or product roadmap.  Our workshops are custom-designed to meet your needs, and our clients say that we deliver the most productive workshops that they have ever attended.  We use Design Thinking processes to build agile strategies and plans, and we work with you to make sure these plans are implemented successfully.

Our recent projects include:

Mentor and Product Owner in Quantum Computing and ML:

We mentored Executives, Product Owners and Product Managers, and we led development of innovative quantum computing hardware and software platforms:

  • mentored Product Owners and Product Managers
  • led agile software product development
  • ensured successful delivery of multiple products

We are “fantastic technology consultants and senior advisors.” – Executive, Quantum Computing

Advisor for Interactive Game

As advisor for a non-profit, we helped develop an interactive online game used in classrooms throughout the world.  In this role we:

  • advised the Executive Director on global growth plans
  • built product roadmaps and plans for innovative online educational game
  • co-managed development of the game
  • enabled successful rollout throughout Canada and worldwide

Illume Consulting enabled us to deliver innovative products in record time.” – Director, Non-Profit

Acting COO for Cloud / SaaS

For a technology startup, we built and led the product team to deliver SaaS products for government clients, and we helped the team:

  • develop product roadmaps
  • release a series of new products
  • reduce timelines for delivering new products to market

We helped our client “expand our product offering while setting high standards for implementation.” – CEO. Tech Startup