Once you have consensus from your executive team, your strategies, plans, and product roadmaps must be implemented. This is where many workshops fail: there were no action plans developed during the workshop, there is no clear accountability, and nothing happens after the workshop.

At Illume Consulting, we work with you to make sure that your strategies and plans are successfully implemented.  We meet with key stakeholders on a regular basis to follow up on action items and provide expert advice on delivering results.  

At your next executive planning workshop, instead of looking back on what did not happen, you will be able to proactively plan for the future of your business.

What We Do:

  • Deliver Action Items from Workshops
  • Advise Executives on Growth
  • Mentor Emerging Leaders
  • Scale Product Organizations

What You Get:

  • Expert Advice from Experienced Leaders
  • Expert Mentoring in Tools/Processes
  • Implementation of your Strategy
  • Achievement of Action Items

Our expert advisors help you implement your strategies and execute your plans, bringing our experience from Wall Street to Silicon Valley.

What To Expect

Implementing plans and roadmaps requires commitment and accountability.  We facilitate this process by helping you with:

  • Follow-Up on Action Items:  We schedule regular calls with your team to ensure completion of action items from the workshop.  Since we are experienced technology and strategy leaders, we provide expert advice in getting results, reviewing the analysis, and pivoting where necessary.
  • Mentoring:  We mentor your leaders in areas including building product roadmaps, building and testing new business models, and scaling your business for growth.  Our senior leaders have experience from Wall Street to Silicon Valley, and we bring this knowledge to help your leaders grow and succeed.
  • Expert Advice:  Our senior leaders provide expert advice throughout this process.  As we review the action items, we help you measure results, learn from these results, and pivot where needed to achieve your goals.

Our recent projects include:

Acting COO for Tech Startup

As COO for a rapidly-growing technology startup, we led the product team to:

  • release 4 products in 5 months
  • decrease project timelines by 50%
  • develop product roadmap

Michele did a fantastic job setting up our SaaS delivery team.  She enabled us to expand our product offering while setting high standards for implementation.” – CEO, Tech Startup

Advisor for Mobile Startup

As advisor to the CEO of a mobile startup, we helped this rapidly-growing startup:

  • grow the services business
  • add a product-based business
  • secure venture funding

Michele comes armed with many years of real-world experience. I would highly recommend her to any startup or small company to get you moving to the next stage.” – CEO, Tech Startup

Advisor for Non-Profit

As advisor to the Director of a non-profit, we:

  • provided strategic advice
  • helped obtain grant funding
  • delivered online classroom-based game

Illume Consulting enabled us to build an innovative technology platform as well as a new business model for successful growth in the market” – Director, Non-Profit